Repeated Past

By: Mouse-chan

: K-chan

Standard Disclaimer: The characters used this fanfic are owned and copyright by Squaresoft. The characters are used without permission. This series is only made for entertainment use and does not make any profits of any kind. Any original characters are copyrighted to the authors. Changes in this fanfic can occur without any warning. Please bear in mind that the story contains yaoi, violence and adult language for that matter.

Comments can be sent to Mouse-chan at or K-chan at .Any flames about the yaoi coupling in this fanfic will not be entertained.

[Warning, spoilers for the game]

"-" conversations

italics flashbacks unless stated.

‘-‘ thoughts





“You…want to know…how…how…” Cloud could have sworn there was something rather vile sticking onto the back of his throat. Something liken to a wicked void greedily swallowing up his words, halting his ability to breath properly. Coughing, he managed to choke out the last few words to complete his sentence, “how we…met?”


“Yes.” Green eyes glanced at him, mildly curious.


“How…how we met? We met?”


Cloud mentally held the memory at arm’s length. He inspected it from all possible angles before turning it inside out and started shaking it rather violently. For all his 21 years, he couldn’t help but feel that he was doomed since birth. He must have been borne under some unlucky star in order to suffer from such bad luck. It had all started since the early part of his life where he didn’t mixed well with the other kids, then there was that SOLDIER program which he didn’t qualify, the murky but thankfully mostly forgotten parts of being Hojo’s unwilling lab rat, losing his memory, Sephiroth going mad, Zack’s death, his mother’s passing, the meteor, Aerith’s death, the minor issue of the planet nearly getting destroyed, the news of Hojo coming back and now this.


Just add a bit of romance at the end of the story and it would be a hell of an angst book.


‘Would probably be a top seller or something,’ Cloud thought wryly as he pushed the ludicrous notion away. A more useful idea burst in its place; an old tactic of Zack’s: avoid any potential embarrassment through making the odds smaller by presenting several options. A little crafty but what else can one do in the face of such horror. So telling the hysterically laughing voice in his head to shut up, Cloud raised his blue eyes from the floor. “You…when we were introduced? How we met…officially?”


‘Pick the official one, pick the official one,’ Cloud thought fervently; fingers crossing themselves in the darkness, ‘Its the least embarrassing one…pick official, official…just some dreary commanding officer reading out the names of the new troopers while the whole team lined up on one side of the room. You hardly noticed me but still, …pick official…official…’


“Are you saying we have been introduced more than once?” Sephiroth asked; a silver eyebrow lifted slightly.


Cloud couldn’t help but suspect his companion had already seen through his ruse.


“Well, not exactly,” he hedged.


Being privately introduced to Sephiroth several times was considered something liken to a miracle. Hell, just meeting the man was almost next to impossible. Most of the people who got glimpses of The General were the soldiers that worked directly under Sephiroth’s command, the handful of ‘top dogs’ working for ShinRa and of course, the ShinRa President but considering the silver haired man’s icy demeanor, majority of the ShinRa population tended to keep a very respectful distance. Even the President, as rumors had it, kept as far away as possible from The General and gave his orders only through weekly meetings or even messages passed down by note.


Not that it wasn’t surprising since no one wanted to mess with the legendary General who had in his possession the sharp edge of the Masamune and the renowned title of being the best fighter that had ever walked the planet. Who, in their right mind, would try to pick a fight with a man who almost single-handedly won the Wutai War?


Just one cold look from those flat emerald eyes could send a whole herd of furious, stampeding Marlboros running the opposite direction.


Cloud was sure he could comfortably count the amount of people who had actually succeeded in engaging a friendly conversation, which had nothing to do with work, with The General using only his right hand. He blinked in surprise at his own mental statement, paused and weighed its truthfulness. An odd sense of achievement burst out from the corner of his mind when he realized that he could indeed pull up a few names to match some faces.


‘I remember…?’


“We got properly introduced only once,” the blonde answered carefully. “Just once.”


Sephiroth looked distracted for a moment before his gaze returned from the past to the present. “It was Zack, wasn’t it? He was the one who set up all the arrangements.”


The ex-trooper blinked, startled.  “Yes, it was Zack.”


No one in ShinRa would even think about allowing a mere trooper to touch the silver haired man with a 6 foot pole made with pure gold let alone introduce them. Sephiroth was the ShinRa’s prized treasure, the pillar that upheld their success, the person who ensured the public’s adoration, hero-worshipping and most importantly unfailing loyalty. And unfortunately for the stiff collared staff, countless of the troopers did stare after The General whenever they had the chance to see him pass by although most of them did not dare to do any more than salute. Cloud stifled a smirk remembering he was among the many hero-worshippers who stood there, frozen with awe while watching the black cape as it effortlessly swept through the corridors.


If it wasn’t for Zack, the blonde ex-trooper was sure he would never have had the opportunity to exchange even two words with Sephiroth before turning into a stuttering idiot. Heck, there were times when that distinct icy stare caused his courage to go and hide in some god-forsaken bathroom in Mars. It was rather unfortunate that during those specific times his physical self could not accompany the said courage.




Blue eyes grew wistfully as the faded edges of a long-forgotten scenery drifted slowly back.


“Oi, Strife!”


“Si…Zack?” A touch of confusion. “What are you doing here? I thought you won’t be back from Junon until Friday.”


“Awww, Cloud. I didn’t know you cared!” Eyelashes batted playfully and arms spread open. “Come here, you. Come to Papa, my chocobo boy!”


“I am not a chocobo boy…you…you” Hands trying to flatten the golden hair that earned such an insulting title while eyebrows narrowed good-naturedly, “You…hedgehog!”


“Now now, play nice.” Warm laughter and a glove palm reached down to ruffle the stubborn blonde strands that refused to stay down. “I have got a surprise for you.”

”What? A surprise”


“Uh huh, big surprise.”




“Yeap.” A mischievous grin lighting up the tanned face and a pair of hands gestured just slightly above the dark head. “Bout this big. I will give you three guesses.”


“Zack, did you bring back one of those Junon fishes again? You know how sick we got the last time trying to finish eating that monster. And I still can’t understand how you could actually use your buster sword to cook the thing…”


“Hey, it was satisfying dinner.” The sound of hands patting leather covered skin. “Good fish has to be cooked whole. Don’t think ShinRa has any pans that would fit. Besides, my buster sword has multiple purpose; much better than a stainless steel pan may I add.”


“So…you didn’t go fishing this time?”


“Nope.” Grin widened, “You aren’t even close.”


“Is the surprise from Junon?”


“Nah, well…not MADE in Junon. Nothing interesting over there anyway, only fishes. Too bad I didn’t see any mermaids...”


“With your appetite, I think you would most likely eat the mermaid…Something bigger than you…! I swear, if you bought that pink dress with that flowery hat I will---”


Almost hysterical laughter rang through the hallway. “Now that you have reminded me, I am quite tempted to go back there and get it. I am pretty sure it’s about your size. But sadly, no. Not the dress. Maybe on my next trip, hmm?”


“No, not even if you gave me all the Gil in the world.”


“With those nice red high heels…”


“Ugh, go get someone else to play dress-up. There is no way---”


“And fishnet stockings.” Dark eyes danced merrily. “Ow, okay okay! Don’t need to get so mad; it’s just a suggestion. Ah, such a pity though. I could bring you down to the bar all dressed up. All the guys would be wondering who is that luscious---OW!”


Satisfied smile. “I have been working on my punches.”


“Jeez, I can see that. Been practicing till dawn again? Kid, you only been here for 2 months…”


“That’s the only time I have for extra practice. I still get enough sleep either way so don’t worry about it.” A shrug. “Okay, not the dress; thank goodness. I suppose there is a God after all.”


“ Hmmm, you never know what I could get you for Christmas…OW! Okay! Okay! I get the point!” a little reproachful, “This is an abuse of a senior officer, this is.”


“An abuse? Senior officer? You? I seriously doubt that.”


“Oh well, you are down to one last guess, Cloud.” Reproachful.


“…A hint… please?”


“Fine, just one because you have that look that I just can’t say no to though it would be more effective if you were wearing that dress I was talking about…Ack! Okay, okay! Your surprise doesn’t have an expiry date. You can keep this surprise as long as you want.”


Eyes widened in horror, “Zack, you didn’t buy me a teddy bear did you? One that big? I won’t know where to put it. I mean, there is hardly enough room in my closet for my things---”


Another peal of laughter. “No, this is something that definitely won’t like to be placed in the closet. Definitely. Won’t fit anyway…” A wink “Trust me.”


“Zack introduced us at some sort of café, didn’t he?”


The silver haired man’s voice snapped Cloud out of his reverie. Cloud blinked once, digesting the question that was thrown at his direction. There was a pause as facts connected themselves to each other. “You remember?”


The blonde found it a little unnerving the way memories quickly floated back to him whenever he was near Sephiroth. It was as if the taller man was some sort of memory magnet. Not that Cloud minded remembering since most of his recent recollections did hold a place close to his heart and were not anything near the crimson drenched memories of Nibelhiem. Cloud glanced at the man, wondering if Zack was alive as well; would both Sephiroth and him break the thick barrier that contained their past at a swifter pace. 


A small smile played at the edges of his lips. Most likely Zack would smash the said barrier with a war hammer while whistling to his favorite tune and toss both of them, kicking and screaming, through it.


“Yes, a little bit,” Sephiroth briefly closed his eyes.


There was a short silence.


“But I still do not understand why he called me ‘a surprise’.”


Cloud tried not to fidget in his seat, trying to decide whether he should be utterly horrified or howling with laughter. The snippets of the lost conversation linked themselves together creating the sudden urge to start rolling on the floor and laugh his head off. He marveled that he managed to keep his face was reasonably straight although he suspected that his lips twitched a little.


In his mind, he could smell the faint smell of coffee and hear the delicate clink of china.


“Tada~! There’s your surprise!” A look of triumph. “Had to drag him all the way from Junon. Gee, you would think you could stick around for a few days after the registration for the new troopers but nooo, you had to go off the very next day. Considering the amount of time you do spend in Junon, I am seriously wondering if you have a fish fetish…”  


“His surprise?” A lift of a silver eyebrow.


“You?! Wha--” Blue eyes underneath the mess of gold hair widening in shock.


“Eh, Sephiroth, don’t scare him off now. This is Cloud Strife, the little wee lamb I am taking under my wing. Ain’t he just adorable?” A pause. “You know him?”


“Perhaps” Deep voice laced with quiet amusement smoothly answered the question leaving no room for other queries.


“You are…S-S-Sephiroth?! I mean…Sir!” Young face looked completely appalled. “General Sephiroth Sir!”


“Nuh huh, Cloud,” A finger waggled in mock seriousness, “No ‘sir’ or anything ShinRa-ish here. No General either. You have to help me bully this person here to buy us dinner. Ah the luxury, something that does not wiggle or squirm out of your plate. I tell you, civilian folks have it easy…”


“But…Zack…I mean Sir,” Wide blue gaze fleeted from one face to the other.


“Toldja he wouldn’t fit into your closet.” Dark eyes secreted a smirk.




“Cloud? You okay? You look like you want to hide under the table or something…”


The little carriage creaked a little as it continued its slow journey through the Golden Saucer. Lights came in swarms, coming together in wave of color, washing over the amusement park before their cousins flared up into the air and exploded, their fiery petals falling back down from where they came. The warm breeze floated lazily on the air currents, bringing with it a lively song that was being played by a band somewhere nearby along with the thundering footfalls of racing chocobos.


Cloud leaned towards the window, watching as the birds tore down the track. With his enhanced vision, he could clearly see one of the riders spotting a familiar black hat and riding an even more familiar black chocobo. The black bird soon broke away from the rest, sprinting away as though it was racing against the wind instead of its own kind.


Doubtless on what would be the outcome of the race, the blonde ex-trooper allowed his gaze to follow a bright streak that was traveling up to the heavens before it burst into a bloom of brilliant yellow.  A sense of relief ballooned within the blonde.


‘At least he didn’t ask…’


“But I am sure that was not the first time we met.”


The ballooning hope promptly deflated itself with an audible ‘pop’.


The blonde ex-trooper turned, his attention snapped back onto the man in front of him. One thought blindly stumbled into his head, blotting out the rest of the incomplete sentences that were racing through his mind.


‘Oh shit.’


“Quite certain, in fact. If I think back, the conversation we had with Zack implied that we had met each other before.” Green eyes, like the color of the depthless ocean, pinned him down, “Would you mind clarifying for me?”


‘Is the man a mind reader?!’


“That is…that was,” Cloud was rather horrified to find himself incapable of forcing his brain and mouth to function properly. He opened his mouth several times, attempting to put some sort of sense in what he was trying to say “It…I was…new…and…because…I mean…I didn’t…I didn’t know…”


‘Gods, I sound like a trooper fresh from registration all over again.’ The blonde thought miserably, partially hiding his face in his hands.


“Perhaps you should start from the beginning?” Sephiroth’s suggestion was gentle but not without a hint of laughter.


Resigning to his fate of being completely doomed, the blonde swallowed a few times then cleared his throat so as to prevent his voice from coming out as a squeak. He had gone through the pains of puberty, which included his voice sounding like some dying frog for a torturous span of time. Cloud certainly did not want to go through that again, thank you very much. Absently he rubbed his palms together, feeling the familiar sensation of leather against leather.


Extremely glad that the Masamune was safely tucked away in Junon and that there were no sharp objects anywhere nearby, Cloud managed a weak smile.


“Well, you see…”




(7 years ago)


“Now where on earth am I?” 14-year-old Cloud Strife grumbled as he stepped out from the lift. He stopped abruptly, blue eyes surveying the small area before the golden eyebrows pulled themselves together into a frown. The place was a narrow but posh looking hallway that led towards a single door. Bright lights illuminated the soft red carpet while creating faint shadows on the steel walls. A few potted plants silently stood on either sides of the corridor.


There were no signs or maps anywhere.


“Great, I am lost,” the blonde fumed, dragging one hand through his soaking wet hair. “Just fifteen minutes setting my feet in this place and I am already lost. Wait, not only lost but wet too. Just marvelous.”


While he was wandering around looking for his bunkroom, Cloud had the misfortune to walk right into a rather soggy accident that involved a malfunctioning water-fountain and a burst pipe. The whole affair left him completely drenched to the bone. An over-worked maintenance staff hurried over, smiling almost sympathetically at him before informing him that that particular machine tended to cause a miniature flood every once in a while therefore most of the ShinRa employers ardently avoid the spot.


An advice that simply came a little too late.


Cloud sighed, trying to ignore the droplets of water dripping down his hair and the annoying way his wet clothes stuck onto him. He stood motionless for a moment, debating what was his next move. Already Cloud had came to distrust asking senior troopers for directions because their advice always seemed to lead him to where he didn’t want to go. It was the fault of a certain nameless senior trooper he ended up here anyway. At the rate things were shaping up, the blonde had a good frame of mind to just forget about being a SOLDIER and take up voodoo lessons instead. 


“Normal tradition of pulling pranks on junior troopers, I bet,” he muttered under his breath.


His temper was steadily building.


Tired from his long and rather bumpy journey from Nibielhiem, the excitement of new-found freedom had worn off a long time ago leaving him feeling a little homesick and he was hungry. Those facts combined with him being soaked to the bone didn’t exactly make Cloud one happy camper. The only good thing was that his bag was waterproof so all his belongings were not obliged to take the sudden shower as well. But the little happiness would soon be snuffed out if he didn’t get his wet socks off his abused feet. There was something extremely irritating about wearing waterlogged footwear.


‘Perhaps it was the squishing sound they made,’ he mused.


“Since I am already here, might as well see what is beyond that door,” Cloud nodded to himself, “If there is someone in there, I could always ask directions to the bunks and hope for the best. Yes, I can do this. I can do this…”


Feeling more encouraged, the trooper hurried to the end of the small corridor, all the while wishing that his shoes would not persist in making that wet ‘squish squish’ sound. Dumping his bag nearby, he lifted one hand and stared at the door in front of him. Cloud blinked, hesitating. Suddenly, the door looked rather foreboding. His hand seemed awfully pale against the deep brown.


“I can do this…”


He paused before wondering what on earth would he do if no one answered the door.


‘Probably sit on the floor and refuse to move until someone comes around…that is if no one answers the door...,’ he commented sarcastically to himself, ‘Well, you would never know if you don’t find out so quit stalling and knock the door already!’


As politely as possible, he knocked on the wooden surface and patiently waited for someone to answer.


And waited.


The golden hair, heavy with water, valiantly struggled to keep their gravity defying posture.


And waited.


Finally gravity, after so many hours being logged with water, triumphed. The blonde spike sagged.


Irritation smothered the tattered leftovers of overused politeness; Cloud grabbed the doorknob and turned it. To his surprise, the door opened easily under his hand; he had thought the door would have been locked. Sapphire eyes blinked several times before the young trooper took a deep breath and poked his head cautiously into the room.


It was a spacious living area that was twice as big or even bigger than Cloud’s home. Elegant furniture that had to come with a stiff price was positioned artfully as to allow the space in the room to be used to the maximum. Two other doors stood on the other side of the room, which most probably led to the kitchen while the other, bedroom. Plain curtains were pulled over the large windows, shielding away the outside view. A worn leather bag sat on top of an impressive looking desk while a black cape flung itself over an arm of a leather sofa; the sole indicator the room was occupied by someone.


Still holding his position at the doorway, Cloud wondered who would idiotically leave their rooms unlocked.


Right at the end of his train of thought, the adjoining door opened. A tall man, walked out from what looked like the master bedroom, with only a towel draped around his hips. Well-defined muscles rippled under the pale skin as he moved, hinting the obvious strength that lay within. Silver hair flowed down past the man’s shoulders gleaming in the florescent lights, reminding Cloud of strands of white silk. The man idly flexed one wrist before turning around, his ocean green eyes falling onto Cloud.


The boy froze; his breath stuck somewhere between his lungs and his mouth. Hand kept its hold onto the doorknob as though unsure whether to stay or step back and shut the door.


The first thing Cloud thought of was that this stranger in front of him must be the most perfect being on the planet. Then his brain caught up with him and gave his conscious thought a sharp kick. Face burning with mortification, Cloud tightened his grip on the doorknob as if it was the only thing that stopped him from fleeing down the hall.


After a few false starts, the trooper got his voice to work properly.


“Ah…I…am sorry. I thought there wasn’t anyone….”


The silver haired man remained silent. His face was expressionless as though he was used to seeing troopers who looked like they had just fell into a lake turning up on his doorstep whenever he stepped out of the bathroom half naked.


“Uh, I am kind of new…I got lost and…after the exploding water fountain…some guy told me to come here…but…and then…I got even more lost…” the blonde trailed off uncertainly before gathering enough courage to regroup his sentences. His free hand gestured in the air helplessly. “Well…could you tell me the way to Bunk H90? Please?”


Stifling quiet fall onto the duo again.


The silver haired man stared down at the flustered boy, his gaze missing nothing before he lifted one pale eyebrow. A cool, even voice cut through the thick silence like a knife easily slicing through butter.


“You are dripping on my mat.”


“Wha-?” Cloud blinked at the unexpected answer then looked down at his feet. Sure enough, a puddle of water had formed under his shoes while he was talking to the man. The wet ‘welcome’ sign that seemed to have become a little island surrounded by growing patches of water stared resignedly back at the boy. “Oh…sorry…I didn’t mean to…”


“Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to change,” the man said calmly, long elegant fingers gesturing at Cloud to leave; hid green gaze dismissive.


“That…” the blonde saw only red as his temper blew past its limit. Tiredness and the uncomfortable cold that wrapped around him in disguise of his clothes finally snapped his patience. He had enough of the kids back home treating him like he was some sort of plague and Cloud was sure as hell not coming all the way to Midgar just to receive the same treatment. It was time he actually stood up for himself and stood up for himself he did. Blue eyes blazed. “Fine! Fine, you…you arrogant, pompous, mean, selfish, unhelpful, snobbish, self-centered…. jerk!”


Cloud caught a flicker of surprise in the man’s green eyes at the sudden flare of temper but he was too annoyed to care.


Swiftly, the boy slammed the door close and stomped down the corridor, his bag swinging dangerously from his shoulder. Running a hand through his wet hair again, he got into the lift and stabbed at the button that would lead him back to the ground floor.


“Perhaps someone in the main reception area will help me out.” Cloud folded his arms, his angry glare just lacking several degrees in order to drill a hole through the wall of the lift. “You think the least he could do was tell me where to go. Dripping over his mat…I am glad I did!” he growled, stumbling over his words as he tightly clung on to his temper “I wish…I wish I could take that malfunctioning water fountain and…and…and dump it on right on him!”


Cloud watched the numbers descend, still glowering.


‘Thank gods there is Sephiroth around to make up for people like that guy. Jerk…’


(End of flashback)



“You would think that those folks would stock up at least a few materias,” Yuffie grumbled under her breath as she stared down at the layout of North Corel from her high perch on a rooftop. From her position she could see the slightly blurred outline of Highwind. Swiping the back of her hand over her sweaty forehead, she idly wondered if the rest of the team had already gathered and was waiting for her. She squinted upwards; the skies were only beginning to take on gold hue. Dark eyes strayed towards the row of shops before they relented under the hot glare of the sun. The ninja straightened her back and made her way downwards, her feet skillfully finding purchase on the smooth rooftop.


“Sheesh, what does a girl have to do to get materia around here?”


Her feet soundlessly met the grassy ground.


‘Might as well head back,’ she thought with a smile, ‘Don’t want Cid to be on my back about me being late again. I mean, I was late just once and he is stuck onto it like…forever. Bah, old man.’


After checking if her Conformer was securely tucked in its proper place, she glanced up at the sky again. Eyebrows came together in a frown as she noted the brilliant reds that were slowly dominating the horizon. The view reminded her of the ancient stories piled with superstition that her grandmother used to tell her when she was a child.


Red sunsets, in Wutaian culture, were not a good omen.


Although Yuffie believed herself to be above culture and superstition, she could not help but tightened her hands around her Conformer. 


‘Wutaian soil bled through those who were born to it, reflecting the sky and the Gods cried tears of blood from the slain,” she quietly murmured then caught herself.

Gritting her teeth, the ninja made a sound of annoyance. The coming of war was not foretold by sunsets. The mere idea of it was simply ludicrous and was an insult to the memory those who had died proudly in battle.


Shaking her head, she cleared her mind and took a step towards the direction that would lead her to Highwind. She hesitated, looking back up. It almost seemed as though everything she had learnt stared back down at her from the setting sun. Culture, duty, decisions…all weighed on the girl, reminding her of who she was and what was expected of the sole child of Godo. Unable to refrain herself, Yuffie flipped a finger at the red horizon and grinned.


“We make our own destinies with no regrets.”




“You called me a jerk.” Terribly calm.


Cloud strictly told himself that if he had managed to learn how to avoid falling asleep during boring lectures, he could definitely handle a minor problem like preventing his fingers from fidgeting. In addition to that, entertaining ideas of hiding under his seat was simply not dignified. Or so the little voice in his head informed him.  


“An arrogant, pompous, mean…”


It was really not his fault if he carefully thought about it. Cloud wondered if the blame could be placed on the lack of information or description of Sephiroth that was in Nibelhiem. All that fanned his hero-worshiping was the little radio tucked in the corner of the shop that would blurt out news of the latest going-ons in ShinRa along with whatever he could pick up from gossiping crowds. The rest of his role-modal was the image he had personally built in order to look up to.


“…selfish, unhelpful, snobbish, self-centered…”


His mother used to tell him that if he ever misbehaved, the boogieman would come after him to punish him. Apparently, Cloud’s boogieman came in the form of one long silver haired man named Sephiroth. The blonde trooper was quite sure if he were blessed during his childhood years with the insight of what was to happen in the future, particularly this event, he would have taken preventive measures to ensure that he was never born. That or he would have dug a hole in the ground and spent the rest of his years living in the said hole as a hermit who had never heard of ShinRa.




Anyone who read dictionaries were cursed, Cloud decided. He remembered distinctively as a child he had once read through the entire hardcover book for suitable words to impress the children in his town. Although his original goal was not achieved, he had somewhat managed to widen his vocabulary. And in that process, picked up all those aforementioned words.


The little voice in his head piped out that burning a warehouse full of dictionaries would not do him any good.


Now what was that about digging a hole again?


“I don’t believe anyone else has dared said that to me,” Sephiroth remarked, his tone incredibly even.


“I…suppose not?” Managing a rather painful smile, Cloud wondered about his chances of survival. It seemed pretty slim. Indeed no one had told him that a trip on a gondola with Sephiroth was potentially hazardous to his well being during his years as a trooper. But then again, no one would have expected the great General to be on a gondola in the first place.


So, was the whole fault of this incident be blamed on Sephiroth since he was on the gondola in the first place?


‘There is the General then there is the mad God-wannabe Sephiroth. But currently this is amnesiac Sephiroth who is stuck somewhere between them,’ Cloud inanely thought, ‘So what sort of death waits between the masamune and meteor summoning? Death by mog mating arcade games?’


Wincing at the multitude of ideas that was steadily getting more violent currently on a rather enthusiastic rampage in his head, the blonde trooper risked a peek at taller man.


Now one does not get away with calling Sephiroth a jerk let alone an arrogant, pompous…etc…jerk. It was simply not done. The heavens forbid it. It was preposterous, a direct mockery what was considered sacrilege. It wasn’t considered bad; it was worse than bad. Thus Cloud was expecting something really, really awful to happen as retribution to what wrong he had committed. This ranged from a certain scenario where a particular silver haired man would very calmly seek his revenge by throwing him off the gondola and watch serenely as he plunged to his death to the gods above finally ending his misery by toasting him with a series of lightning bolts.


Which, would be a very painful death, Cloud could assure you.


And that was why the ex-trooper in question felt as though he was stuck in some parallel dimension where chocobos, WEAPONS and all Hojo-wannabes got together on Sundays to do the Macarena dance before going off hand-in-hand for sewing classes when Sephiroth burst out laughing.




Apparently in this dimension, Cloud also seemed to suffer from a severe lack of choice in terms of vocabulary.




His Language and Communications teacher must be rolling in her grave. Then again, the odds are she might be doing the Macarena dance with those chocobos, Weapons and Hojo-wannabes…if it was a Sunday. ‘What day is it anyway? Is it a Sunday?’ Cloud mused then frowned when he realized it was not important.


“I…uh…” he trailed off almost uncertainly.


“Yes, you,” Sephiroth murmured, his words interrupted by a few chuckles, “Hard to imagine I could forget something so amusing as that.”


“Amusing!” Cloud bristled.


“Now if you don’t mind, do tell me about this ‘teddy-bear’ joke that I seem to vaguely recall. Kept Zack sniggering for days after he introduced us. I suspect that it is related to you?” Another inquisitive lift of an eyebrow.


Never let it be said that the blonde ex-trooper almost scampered out of the enclosed space in relief when the gondola finally reached the station. In fact Cloud was so pleased, he utterly ignored the “Enjoyed yourself?” given by Tom, the man operating the gondola as well as the curious glances from the young couples in line. His mood was further improved by a quick glance at his watch; it was time to head back to Highwind aka no more stuck in gondolas or inane arcade games that ran on bizarre themes such as mog mating.


Entertaining thoughts of shutting himself in a room in Highwind where no silver haired men could corner him and ask him potentially embarrassing questions, Cloud turned around and was about inform his companion that they were heading back when he was suddenly struck was a stray thought: What if he looked flushed? What if his clothes were slightly disheveled from all the fidgeting he had done? What if a man with an unholy mind (such as Cid, his little voice supplied), put the two facts together in a rather twisted manner and what if a man with a rather short fuse (such as Barret, the voice piped out), somehow heard the said twisted concoction before deciding to use Cloud as target practice?


Of course he should have remembered that this was Sephiroth. Add him along with their rather violent history; rumpled clothing and flushed faces would be more likely accounted as the results of fighting. However, the blonde ex-trooper’s mind frame was running on Zack’s past jokes and the more recent giggles from on-looking couples.


By nature he was not a vain person who needed to look at himself in the mirror five times a day but the need to ensure self-preservation demanded that he at least made sure he looked…like he had not done anything indecent.   




Besides, he needed some time to recollect his scattered wits.


Firmly telling himself that there was nothing wrong in what he was about to do and that there was nothing to be embarrassed, Cloud opened his mouth and stoically said...


“I am going to the washroom.”



"Come to be and the whole world would bow down to you."


A shadow moved in the darkness, breaking the heavy stillness in the air. Eyes that had seen too much yet too little glanced at the mechanical activity that was laid in front of them. Out of the gloom, a sickening sound liken to concentrated slim dragged over cold concrete crept out like ghosts merging from the depths of one's mind.


"Precious, priceless..."


Fingers, as what they were called in the past, lovingly stroked the glass panel that held a beating heart. The organ floated aimlessly in pale green fluid held up by a multitude of wires; a gruesome parody of life. The machines beat in time with the heartbeat. The sound, hallow. Fake as it was a stolen life.


"Pretty, sweet..."


A terrible cackling broke out.


"Worthless, dispensible..."


Thick glass gave way to the violent force. The green liquid burst from its confinements, vengefully smashing against the broken edges as though they wanted to hurt what had kept them prisoner. Wires sagged, obeying the laws of gravity. Machines wildly struggled to record the sudden change.


A smile, controlled yet terribly crazed, grew along the battered tissue as he gazed at the still beating heart that now lay clenched in between his grip. A thin line of red trickled down the pulsing flesh; a silent protest in the tightening hold.


"Weak, stupid...failure."


Blood splattered onto the floor, red seeping into the green.


Hands opened to reveal a gory mess of torn flesh and crimson. Machines shrieked out their programmed warnings. Chaos within the illusion of order.


"Come to me."



The plastic door slammed against the wooden frame with a very satisfying thud. The sound rattled over the pale tiled walls before it was swallowed up by the perky techno music that was coming from a hidden speaker. Bleached white lights flickered weakly in response. A piece of paper that said ‘Do Not Litter’ fluttered free from its loose tape and came to rest underneath one of the porcelain sinks. The long mirror that stretched from one end of the wall to the other showed the reflection of the blonde ex-trooper as he stalked into the toilet, glanced around to make sure there was no one else in the area before locking the main exit.


“Do you want me to accompany you, he says,” Cloud said feeling positive that his face would forever be stuck in the shade of vivid red, “Accompany me!” 


If he was not so mortified, the ex-trooper was sure he would be stuck between one of the porcelain sinks, rolling on the floor with hysterical laughter.


“Oh well, at least he didn’t insist that he would come along…,” he murmured remembering how cooperative Sephiroth had been when Cloud had told him to stay around the arcade games area. “God, how do I always get myself in these kind of situations. Must be jinxed…curs-”


Blue eyes widened as his stomach suddenly gave a sickening lurch.

A odd feeling rose in his mind. A want to destroy. A lust to rip out everything that he knew. Everything that made him what he was...


~burning flesh of the tormented…the blessed…~


The universe seemed to think that it was a good time to turn upside down.


~flames…the infinite act of purification~


Automatically the gloved hands flew to his mouth as he staggered into the nearest cubicle.


Dropping to his knees, Cloud bent over the porcelain. He felt something within him, crawling underneath his skin. Something alien that simply was not a part of him. A presence within him his body had acknowledged and desperately wanted to get rid off. Color drained away from his face. His fingers gripped the edges of the toilet as though it was the only thing keeping him from collapsing. He heaved painfully, his insides twisting like they wanted to be free from their confines. His body convulsed then doubled over as he heaved again. Nothing came out. Cold sweat trickled down his neck. He coughed, blinking back the tears that the vomiting brought.  


~Blood…so much blood~


Forcing himself up, he managed reach to a nearby sink.


~Red…like silk…screams of bliss…of the dying~


After several attempts, water finally gashed out from the tap. The liquid felt soothing against his flesh. Uncaring of the dark cold patches he was making on his shirt, he viciously splashed his face as though he could wash away whatever that was in him. Droplets met the end of their airborne journey at the smooth surface of the mirror before sliding downwards. Tiny pools gathered around his feet, gently catching the weak light. The sight of his own skin, redden from the scrubbing, made him feel sick.


“Go away…go away…go away…”


~Angel…the death bringer~


Trying to control his breathing, Cloud glanced at his reflection. His eyes widening in shock.


‘Oh gods.’




Not blue.


The mirror smashed into countless pieces. Jagged splinters spilled like broken liquid mercury, their surfaces reflecting the tiled walls; a broken reality.


Not blue.


Another drop of water fell onto the tiled floor.


The end of Part 3 of Chapter 4


Please be noted that the story takes place 6 months after the game. There is also a YAOI content. So to all readers who do not approve to such pairing or dislike the idea, do not proceed reading. The authors will not entertain any flames or complains concerning the yaoi pairing/pairings involved in the fanfic.
