Wrong sides

De Mouse


STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This poem belongs solely to the author. Any reproduction of the contents without the author's permission is strictly prohibited.

Comments: Something that just popped into mouse-chan's head after finishing 'Kiss the pain away'. Perhaps mouse-chan was getting sick of fluff and wanted some weird crap in replacement? A little bit of morbid thoughts lingering somewhere in here. Could be considered yaoish but then again if you look at it in another angle. Maybe another original fanfic on its way into mouse-chan's mind. Emails can be send to mouse-chan at cheese_factory@hotmail.com


Funny how the world spins round,

Odd how people can live yet die the next day,

Insane how we still found love in a chaotic place like this,

But we are on different sides of the river,

The gap is sometimes too wide to breach,

Water runs too fast,

Too deep.



Pleasures of flesh burn too hot,

Whispers of love that trail in the wind,

Cannot be so easily forgotten,

The sweet way breathe trickles down heated skin,

Fires that consume but not to kill,

Promises in the dark that we both knew could not be kept,

Words that we said anyway,

Did we mean each meaning?


One day,

When we meet again,

I am sure,

There will be longing,

Unspoken perhaps because we,

Are not playing the roles of lovers anymore,

The only embrace would be of sharp metal,

Would it be you?

Or me?

Would I smile in victory?

Or would I weep in grief?

Would I care?

Would you?


But we are on two different sides of the river,

Water runs fast,

Craving away the banks,

Carrying away the warmth,

Leaving only the chill,

If I turned and walk away,

Would you do the same?